Smart textiles for STEM training - Skills4Smartex
Dissemination activity Results Photos
Kick-off meeting Bucharest, Romania 28.11.2018, INCDTP headquarters - welcome and presentation of partner's organizations;
- detailed description of the project's objectives;
- detailed description of the project's outputs, performed by each Output leader;
- presentation and planning of the project's activities with responsible / timeline /funds;
- detailed presentation of financial provisions of the Erasmus+ program;
-planning of the dissemination activity;
- discussion of Quality management plan.

European Vocational Skills Week 2018: "Open doors for VET in textiles", 19.12.2018 - project's objectives;
- research results in textile fields;
- working principle of some investigation infrastructure for textile materials (optical microscope, dynamometer, spectrum analyzer.)
Joint staff training event Ghent University
- smart textiles prototypes on three levels of complexity
- unitary concept with correlated content for the modules, both in STEM to SMART and SMART to STEM approach
- pedagogical methodology of working with the prototypes in classrooms

Second meeting Maribor, Slovenia, 19.09.2019, University of Maribor - technical and financial indicators for interim report
- consulting and mutual support in constructing smart textile prototypes
Joint staff training event TecMinho / UMinho, Guimaraes, Portugal,5-7.02.2020 - validation of smart textile prototypes
- concept of the Smart to STEM modules with regard to the prototypes
INCDTP, VET skills week 2019, Open doors for VET in textiles, Dec. 2019 - promoting project outcomes
TecMinho/ UMinho – Multiplier event no.1, Oct. 2020 - multiplying project outcomes in smart textiles
TecMinho/ UMinho – Multiplier event no.2, Nov. 2020 - multiplying project outcomes in smart textiles
University of Maribor, Course with students - promoting project outcomes in smart textiles
Ghent University, Multiplier event, Oct. 2020 - multiplying project outcomes in smart textiles
Ghent University, Course, Sept. 2020 - promoting project outcomes in smart textiles
INCDTP, Virtual course with students of University of Arts, Textile design dept.,Dec. 2020 - promoting project outcomes in smart textiles

"This project has been funded with support from the European Commission"
This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
@INCDTP - Bucharest 2019