Smart textiles for STEM training - Skills4Smartex

    The Erasmus+ project "Smart textiles for STEM training" - Skills4Smartex is funded with support from the European Commission. This project is a Strategic partnership - KA2 / Vocational Education and Training, in the field of transfer of innovation from research providers towards textile enterprises & VET schools. The coordinating National Agency is ANPCDEFP ( from Romania. The implementation of the project has a duration of 2 years: October 2018 - September 2020.

    The quality of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in technical fields at European level means a competitiveness leverage in the international context. Speed-up of technological development is a challenge for the young VET students, while the development of the textile industry needs well prepared specialists in multidisciplinary fields. VET students within technical education acquire basic disciplines, such as mathematics, physics, technical drawing, chemistry, biology, mechanics, but the horizon of the end applications and usefulness of such basic disciplines is often not touchable.

    The labor market in STEM fields needs appropriate skilled professional workers, in order to compete on the global market. In this context, the Skills4Smartex's aims to improve the knowledge, skills and employability of STEM students in the fields related to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) by providing appropriate training.

     These videos illustrate the importance of smart textiles as innovative field of textile industry.

Output1: Guide for smart practices

This Guide aims to transfer smart practices from source sites (enterprises performing in the field of smart textiles) to target sites (other enterprises and VET schools), by identifying state-of-the-art work profiles for young trainees and existing needs in order to conceive the Course (Ouput2).

Output2: Course in smart textiles

The Course has as main aim to present the multidisciplinary character of smart textiles and highlight end applications of STEM fields (Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Informatics). The educational materials will be conceived in chapters divided in modules on two dimensions:

Chapter responsible partners
No. Chapter Responsible partner
1 Novel fibres and yarns for smart textiles applications INCDTP
2 Materials & methods (plane materials, composites) for smart textiles TU Iasi
3 Virtual prototyping of sensors on garments Uni Maribor
4 Smart textile design TecMinho
5 Smart textiles prototypes UGent
6 Data processing INCDTP
7 New methods for testing smart textiles TZU
Dimension A: The bottom-up approach - from STEM to SMART

The educational materials will focus on the modality basic sciences and arts (Maths, Physics etc.) contribute to the construction of a smart textile product.

Fibres Yarns Materials methods Virtualmodel Design Prototype Performing prototype Data processing Testing
Maths =one module
DimensionB: The top-down approach - from SMART to STEM

The educational materials will focus on a smart textile prototype (eg. Protection equipment for PROTECH) and its related components of basic sciences and arts (Maths, Physics etc.) + practice with the prototype.

Maths Physics Chemist Electrics
Fibres Yarns
Materials methods
Virtual model =one module
Design prototype
Performing prototype
Data processing
Output3 - Dedicated e-learning instrument

Consists of a user friendly interface with direct access on the 56 modules from the data basis, based on a filter with drop-down lists. Filter concept:

Dimension Chapter Module
STEM->SMART Fibres Yarns Maths
SMART->STEM Materials Physics
Vitual model Chemist
Design prototype Data
Performing Prototype
Data processing
The main aim of Skills4Smartex is to prepare trainees in STEM based on smart textiles.

"This project has been funded with support from the European Commission"
This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
@INCDTP - Bucharest 2019